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Загадки учеников 4ых классов
18.12.2011, 21:08

Загадки Д.Прокофьева 4б: (1-2 место)

1. A lot of spots,

A long, long neck,

A funny scarf –

It is a g……….


2. Green and long

With many teeth.

"Beautiful” smile…

It’s a c ………………


3. As red as fire

With a fuzzy tail.

It likes long walks.

It is a f…….


4. A very long nose,

It grows and grows.

It is huge and likes fun.

It is an e…………..


5. It has got log ears,

It likes carrots,

It is grey or white.

What is it?


6. It has got red tail,

And a sly snout,

It lives in the forest,

And looks so nice.

What is it?



Загадки Д.Митракович 4б: (3 место)

1.     I’m big and grey. My nose is long. I’m very strong.

I’m …………

2.     I’m long and green. I’ve got a lot of teeth. I live in the river.

I’m ………….

3.     I can climb and jump. I’m very funny. I like bananas.

I’m. . . . . . . . . . .

4.     I’m a beautiful bird. I’m white with a long neck. I live near lakes.

I’m . . . . . . . . .


Загадки А.Кныш 4в (1-2 место)

1.     It has got four legs. It is striped. It is wild. It eats antelopes. It has got fangs. (A tiger)

2.     It lives in the water. It is striped. It is poisonous. It eats fries.

3.     It is slow. It eats leaves. (Sloth)

4.     It lives in the water. It plucks sea weeds. (A cow fish)

5.     It is a bird. It is a baby animal. It is fluffy. It has got a beak. It squeaks. (a chicken)

6.     It is a bird. It eats insects. It is brown.

7.     It eats fruit. It has got a big curved beak. (a parrot).


Загадки Ю.Шмелёва 4в.

1.     What animal has a long neck?

2.     What animal can go without food and water for a long time?

3.     What animal has got four legs, a long tail and can give milk?

Загадка А.Барраза 4в.

1.     It is big, brown and angry.

It has got sharp claws.

Категория: Конкус "Придумай загадку" | Добавил: Per-chik
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